Monday, October 29, 2007

Yay!!! Go Red Sox!!!!!!

Hi all! As usual, I have been a real slacker on my posting here. Life happens, right? At least I have something joyous to write about today.... The Boston Red Sox won the world series (or as Parker would say, the world serious) last night. They swept the Colorado Rockies. Mike is beyond thrilled. I am happy because I don't have to deal with the post-season depression of my husband. He will probably still go through withdrawal since he has nothing to watch now, but at least he can have the satisfaction of knowing that his boys are the champions until next March (or is it April?)
Parker is doing well. He just had his 4 year check up this morning (yes, I know it should have been in March, but he broke his arm and everything got all out of whack). I am happy to report that he weighs 48 pounds and is 45 inches tall. He was also a brave little boy when he got 4 shots (two in each arm). Let me add that we all got flu shots on Sat so that means that he had a total of five shots in three days. Poor thing.
Speech therapy is going so well that Miss Jennifer thinks that he is going to be wrapped up in the next week or so. They were planning on him hitting his goals by the end of the school year, but I am so excited to tell you that he has improved by leaps and bounds and has hit all of his goals in about two months. AMAZING!!! Next time you see him you will notice how much clearer he speaks. I am so proud of him.
My girls trip to Miami has also come and gone. I had a fun time. I never knew Miami was so hot and sticky, year round. Makes me glad to be in GA. I have some funny stories about the trip. We stayed at the famous Fontainebleau Resort. It was an ocean view suite and was oh so nice. Veronica hooked us up. She is also the greatest tour guide ever. Her and her boyfriend Chris showed us more than I could have asked for. We also ate some really good food and I enjoyed my first mojito. Yum-O!

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